Characterizations The Apostle Peter The Prophet Jonah The Prophet Elijah Pilate The Innkeeper's Dream The Perfect Phone Call Abraham Lincoln Boaz
Stories The Great King Children of the Great King Return of the Crown Prince The Little Boy Who Didn't Know Little Johnny Make-Believe: "What Did You Do to Your Hands?" Desert Princess Just A Moment
Mime Bridges The Boxes Up The Lord's Staircase Old Man and the Butterfly Father and Child Touching the Face of God
Straight Scripture Philippians James John 13-20 II Timothy
Singing Original album: David had a broad repertoire of touching and challenging songs, which were used to punctuate his performances. “He’s All You Need” or “Almighty God” or “The Invitation” have often been used to punctuate David's live performances.
David’s Christmas Album - Imagine David’s bass-baritone-second tenor voice singing your favorite Christmas songs and carols, including O Holy Night, O Come, O Come Emanuel and Nat King Cole’s Christmas Song to name a few. David also included readings of Scripture in between some of the songs!