"In these trying, fearful times, it's important to read epic tales of courage and sacrifice - stories where right and light overcome darkness and wrong. That's part of why I encourage you to experience The Great King Trilogy with your family. It's a retelling of the greatest story of all stories of a King and His son that will bless your heart and become a powerful teaching tool for your children." John Trent, Ph.D.Best selling Christian Author
David's Oldest Performance, The Apostle Peter. OUT OF STOCK.
David's flagship performance piece, this first-person characterization was written by Steve Thomas and saw over 2000 performances since 1979. Filmed before an audience of over 1,000 with four cameras, The Apostle Peter includes a portion of the Sermon on the Mount, and remains many folks' favorite as it begins with Peter meeting Christ and continues through the Day of Pentecost, including Peter's denial, the Crucifixion and Resurrection. About 40 minutes in length.
"The part when Peter denies Christ three times is riveting." Available on DVD
Paul's Letter to Philippi - David Performs the Book of Philippians OUT OF STOCK.
One of David's most beloved performances of straight scripture
The Book of Philippians David began performing this letter from the Apostle Paul to the church at Philippi in 1980. David brackets the straight scripture with references to the referred character of Timothy, to whom Paul dictated the letter while he was under house arrest in Rome.
*Be sure to stay tuned at the end of the performance, for David (as David) gives a wonderful closing! Filmed in 1989, formerly available on VHS. Available on DVD
Here is a brief video clip in which David shares at the completion of the DVD performance of the book of Philippians.
Enjoy Listening to David Performing the Book of James on CD!
Author Chuck Swindoll calls James epistle "The book of practical Christianity."For 22 years, David enjoyed presenting the book of James word for word. Adding an intro and altro in the character of "Michael" and using an Irish accent, David shares this straight scripture practical epistle of James.
One of our bestsellers. Great for sharing with your bible study! Many have told us they use this CD for personal memorization.
Enjoy two full length performances on one CD! The prophets JONAH and ELIJAH
Written by Steve Thomas, JONAH! is based directly on the book of Jonah in the Old Testament. David characterizes this historical and somewhat "hysterical" bible hero during the hardest lesson of his life: Obedience. While "Repent!" is the well-known theme of the book (and performance), an applicable challenge for day-to-day Christian living punctuates this performance. Recorded live, approximately 35 minutes.
Also written by Steve Thomas, David's captivating performance shares the prophet Elijah's experience on Mt. Carmel and culminates with his victory over the Baal priests as he calls down fire from heaven. Taken directly from I Kings, Chapter 18, this sometimes humorous CD is a great encouragement for anyone who is up against seemingly insurmountable odds.
Root, Blossom and Thorn - A Poetic Trilogy by David on CD with orchestration
"We listened to your new CD, "Root, Blossom and Thorn" over the holidays and think it is a wonderful story, certainly timely for the approaching Easter services. We are planning to lend the CD to our Education Pastor." --Karmel Ackerman, Snohomish, WA
David uses a rose bush as an analogy for Jesus Christ. This creative CD describes Creation, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection in a unique and creative way. With David's dramatic voice and beautiful orchestration and poignancy throughout, this poetic trilogy will go deep into the heart of both the believer and those still seeing. Click to listen to samples of each section:
Imagine David’s bass-baritone-second tenor voice singing your favorite Christmas songs and carols, including O Holy Night, O Come, O Come Emanuel and Nat King Cole’s Christmas Song to name a few. Uniquely David, the album also includes Scripture readings and narrations in between some of the songs!
The Innkeeper's Dream available on both DVD and CD (audio) DVD andCD are OUT OF STOCK.mp3 available
Based on Chapter 2 of Luke's gospel, this performance was Broadcast on Focus on the Family in 1991, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2011 and 2012.
The fictionalized innkeeper tells the story of Christ's birth to his friend, thinking that it was just a dream. With humor and poignancy throughout, the Christmas performance tugs at the heartstrings of everyone as they envision that first Christmas Morning! The DVD was recorded during a live performance with 3 cameras. Approximately 30 minutes.
The CD includes two performances! The original Studio Recording as heard on Focus on the Family and a BONUS live performance, recorded at Focus on the Family during a Physicians Conference.
*Please note: Shipping prices are for US orders ONLY on all products. For those outside the US, please contact us via email with your desired order and complete address for accurate shipping costs. info@davidshelton.org
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